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Spiritual Gift Questionnaire

We are convinced that God has given you a personal gift of the Spirit that was entrusted to you for the common good.  We believe God gave you this personalized gift so you can know his plans and purposes for your life!  There is joy and wonder in using our spiritual gifts! 


Here are tools to be informed about your Spiritual Gift.  As 1 Corinthians 12:1 says, “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.”


One of our goals at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FORT ERIE is to provide our members with discipleship resources, which is why we’re giving all of our members access to @RightNow Media!



1. Steps to Reading the Bible.

2. Marriage and Parenting Studies.

3. Mental Health and Gender Studies.

4. Children, Youth, and Young Adult Studies.

5. Christian Lifestyle studies, including finances, work, and relationships.

5. A wide range of Bible, Theology, or Apologetic Studies.


You get the idea.  Check it out and be "thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:17).






First Baptist Church Fort Erie

165 Bertie Street, Fort Erie

Ontario, CANADA

L2A 1Y9

(905) 871-6577

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