“We are inspired
to follow Jesus by loving God and loving all people.”

“A Time to Build”
“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot…
a time to tear down and
a time to build”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

The church had a 2020 vision. What follows below are the aspirations of that vision. Due to Covid-19 and the ensuing issues in the post-Covid era, this vision is temporarily paused. We still want to grow. We still want to increase our evangelical witness, but the building expansion is temporarily paused. Read on to witness the faith and heart of our church family.
75 years ago, God laid it on the heart of a small group of people here in Fort Erie to plant a church which would serve as a faithful witness to the surrounding community in the generations to come. Now today we see how God has continued to build his church here at First Baptist Church. While the journey has not always been easy, and there are many challenges still ahead of us, we believe that the Lord wants us to faithfully continue to pursue the vision of a strong, evangelical witness here in our community in the years ahead.
A church is much more than bricks and mortar. Our church is made up of the people of God: called by the Father, redeemed by the Son, moving and growing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
But bricks and mortar are important in order for us to have a place to gather together as the people of God, in order to bear witness to Christ in our community. We are grateful to God for the building He has given us, which is heavily used every week for regular times of worship, children’s and youth ministry, Bible study, prayer and fellowship.
Ten years ago, our church had the vision to carry out a major expansion of our facilities, which has proven to be an incredible blessing to our church. But now we believe the time has come to also upgrade and expand our church sanctuary. The proposed building project would not only increase our seating capacity by about 50%, but it would give us a modern attractive space that would allow everyone to participate more fully in our worship services. We are excited about the way in which these improvements will enhance the ministry of our church in the years to come.
Our church exists today because of the vision and commitment of faithful generations who have gone before us. It is now time for our generation to do its part for the generations that will follow us. We know that many challenges still lie ahead. In order to see the vision become reality, it will require commitment and sacrifice from all of us. Our faith will be stretched!
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